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Author: mamisch

October 25, 2024 Update from Svay Leu, Cambodia

Exciting news from Svay Leu, Cambodia! Construction of the first Tarek Mamisch Primary School has officially begun, and the dedicated team on site is working with full energy to complete the remaining 60% of the building. Soon, this project will provide 50 children with much-needed access to education, offering them a future they so greatly deserve.

The necessary materials have been provided, and construction is in full swing. In just a few weeks, the children of this remote region in the northwest of Siem Reap Province will be able to enter their very own primary school for the first time.

September 15, 2024 The first school project in Cambodia is about to start

The location of the first Tarek Mamisch Primary School in Cambodia has been determined: TMF’s first school project will be implemented in Svay Leu, Cambodia. A school project was initiated here to provide 50 children with access to education. Unfortunately, due to lack of financial resources, only 40% of the construction could be completed so far. Since the future of these children’s education is at stake, we have decided to take on the remaining 60% of the construction work, thereby completing the school building.

Thanks to Chanta, who brought this urgent matter to our attention, we are now in a position to carry out this essential initiative for the community. We are proud to be part of this project and to provide these children with the education they deserve.

August 1, 2024 News from the earthquake emergency shelter in Harim, Syria

After nearly all families from the earthquake emergency shelter in Harim, funded by the Tarek Mamisch Foundation, have safely found refuge with relatives, the daily struggle for survival continues for five widows and their 28 children in our tent camp in Harim, Idlib, Syria. The TMF has committed to continue supporting these families so they can live in safety. In addition to providing shelter and food, this includes access to proper education for the children and a stable place to live, allowing them to lead as normal a life as possible.

June 30, 2024 The Tarek Mamisch Foundation will build it’s first primary school in Cambodia

We are pleased to announce our upcoming project in Cambodia: we plan to build a school near Siem Reap for around 100 children in rural areas where schooling is still not widespread. We are currently looking for a suitable piece of land, which the municipality has generously made available to us. This initiative aims to provide educational opportunities to children who previously had no opportunity and give them access to the “Mamisch primary school” with all the necessary materials. This project was inspired by our guide Shanta, whose incredible life story and commitment to helping his community left a lasting impression on us. Stay tuned for more updates!

April 9, 2024 The joy of breaking the fast in Harim, Syria

On April 9, 2023, the fasting period of Ramadan ended for Muslims worldwide. This was also a day of joy in the tent camp set up by the Tarek Mamisch Foundation for the Syrian refugees from the earthquake disaster of 2022! With special dishes, confectionery and new clothing, the TMF was able to put a smile on faces and donate a piece of tradition and normality.

March 23, 2024 Visit to Siem Reap, Cambodia

On March 23, 2024, Tarek Mamisch visited the King Glory school project in Cambodia with his daughters Samira and Jasmina. Since 2021, the Tarek Mamisch Foundation has been supporting numerous students whose parents were no longer able to finance their children’s education due to the poor economic situation since the Corona pandemic. This year, the future-oriented education of the 105 affected students was again ensured thanks to the many generous donors.

As a thank you, the KGIS organized a wonderful celebration where the students were able to show their traditional dances and their gratitude. But above all, this day was filled with the joy of reunion and laid the foundation for further hopeful school years for the students affected.

January 4, 2024 Visit to Laos, Luang Prabang

During his trip to Southeast Asia this year in January, Tarek Mamisch was able to visit the Sengngam family in Laos and see for himself the completion of the house, which had been destroyed by termite infestation. The Tarek Mamisch Foundation took over the financing of the reconstruction.

Due to the Corona pandemic, the family lost their employment in the tourism sector and was unable to finance a new home. The house is located in the UNESCO-protected part of Luang Prabang’s old town and the reconstruction was subject to strict conditions in order to restore the original character. The family was threatened with a high and insurmountable financial burden, which the Tarek Mamisch Foundation paid for so that the Sengngams could stay in their parents’ house. The family of five now lives in their new home with three generations. Vanhphenh and Seng carefully supervised the reconstruction and carried out the interior work independently and with great attention to detail.

November 13, 2023 Meeting with the Munich Children’s Foundation

On November 30, 2023, the two board members of the Tarek Mamisch Foundation, Samira and Jasmina Mamisch, had the honor of meeting with board member Thomas Groth and the representative of the Council of Elders Ullrich Ludwig in the office of the Munich Children’s Foundation. Together they discussed promising support options for the new year 2024. The Tarek Mamisch Foundation looks forward to the ongoing collaboration and the positive changes that can be brought about together.

October 27, 2023 Meeting with Mahmoud Dahi in Munich

A reunion after a long time with Mahmoud Dahi on October 27, 2023 in Munich. It was a beautiful but also depressing afternoon when Mahmoud Dahi reported to us about the situation of the refugees in Syria. But he was also able to give us a lot of insights into his new projects. We are very pleased to be able to continue to support Mahmoud and his family at Spendahilfe E.V. in the future.